The transitions between the swim/bike and bike/run leg of a triathlon are often called the fourth discipline of the sport. You have to train for a long time to shave off a few minutes of your swim, bike or run but if you mess up your transition and add precious minutes to your race, all the training goes down the drain. That’s why triathletes have to practice their transitions. I will do my first brick training today, meaning that I will combine two of the sports in one workout for the first time. My training plan calls for an hour long bike ride followed by a short 10 minute run. This training is supposed to get the body used to consecutively doing the different sports. My living room is going to serve as the transition area where I will set up everything I need for the run. I am also going to get everything ready that I might need during my transition such as a towel and something to drink. Knowing me, I will also have to incorporate a short bathroom visit. Since that extra stop would really add some time to my overall race results, I should probably start training not having to use the restroom for an extended period of time…