Clearly I am not the type of person that is motivated to go out and exercise for no good reason. Obviously being fit and healthy is a very good reason but it has always been easy to deny these facts. That way I have been trying for many years to get into a steady exercise routine. But somehow the fit, healthy and skinny argument wasn't strong enough to get me going and I always ended up quitting my exercise routines after a short while. Since I came up with my plan to get into triathlons, things have drastically changed for me. Whenever I feel that it would be much nicer not to put on my running shoes, I think of the race I want to do and I get moving. Before starting a run, bike ride or swim, I always have a distance in mind that I want to go on that day. Pretty much every single time that I am in the middle of my workout, there is a little voice inside my head that tells me to stop running or cycling before I reach my designated goal. "Why don't I do 30 km instead of 40 and get home earlier to start cooking?" The debate goes on but so far I could always convince myself to continue and finish my workout as planned. Being so involved with this inner monologue probably helps me finishing the workouts because I just go on while I am debating. While thinking of me doing the triathlon next to my husband and brother really gets me off the sofa, I have come to realize that working out has become a daily habit just like brushing my teeth. I don't really think about wether or not I will exercise, it's more a question of when I can fit it in. Being active more often actually makes working out easier. Another thing is that I don't stop working out anymore because I skipped my routines for a while. Knowing that it's not a big deal when I am super busy and can't exercise for ten days is a great relieve. I will hopefully have many years to come with plenty of time to work out. No need to quit right away.
With that said here's some tricks that work for me when I need to convince myself that I should be working out:
- Come up with a goal to be reached by a certain date and remind yourself of it (lose x kg, do 10 push ups, run 10 km etc.)
- Put on workout clothes first thing in the morning/right after work. Once I wear my gear I am more likely to workout later.
- Make a plan and put it up where you can see it. Cross workouts off the plan once they're completed.
- Let people know what you're up to. Tell co-workers, family and friends what you are doing. They'll ask you how it's going and you need to stick with your routine to be able to tell them.
- Do something you would have never thought that you could do. You might not become the best tennis player or triathlete but you can always do your best. It's more fun when you prove to yourself that you can do it!