It's been well over two weeks since I resumed my training. I have worked out according to my schedule, have completed the hardest and longest work outs of the three month plan last week and I feel good about that. I haven't really talked about it a lot in this blog but my husband and I have picked up our triathlon training at the same time. In many ways this is a great constellation. We can train together, each of us understands that we have to make time everyday to exercise- in short: we share a hobby and goal. While I theoretically understand that women and men have different physical capabilities, it drives me nuts that my husband seems to be getting better at the sports much faster than I am. It is one thing that he is faster and stronger than me anyways, but what is frustrating to me is that he is shaving off time of his workouts all the time and I am not. We went swimming on Sunday and although we started learning the freestyle stroke together, he finishes his 1.5 km swim 7 minutes before me. Since I am somewhat competitive, you can imagine how much fun I have swimming my lanes while he's hanging out by the pool... I know we have completely different backgrounds as far as our athleticism goes, but come on! It's the same with the running and biking as well. Because he's getting faster so effortlessly, we don't do many runs together but every once in a while I'll get a "pity-run" where he goes my pace with me. He doesn't mind that but in my mind I am just obsessing about why I can't just go a little faster. I guess that the one good thing is that I try really hard to get better because I see his results. Sometimes I just wish my training partner would be another 29 year old women who just started exercising and is looking back on many years of childhood Ballett-lessons.