After focussing on running and the upcoming half marathon for the longest time, I am setting myself up to commence my triathlon training next week. In my case that involves creating excel sheets and mapping one or two things out. First, I created my training plan based on two tri-books I have and some advice I found online. It's a 12 week plan with 5 days of training each week. It does not include specific strength training units but I figured I will fit them in as I see fit (haha). Probably in the evenings after work during the week. Some pre-set training plans don't give you distances you need to complete in training but they tell you how long each session should be, i.e. 70 minutes of biking. I must say that I prefer the style where you get a target distance and an intensity level to go by. This way I make sure that I'll get in 10 km for sure, whereas I might not, if the training plan asked for a 60 minute run.
The other thing I took care of is writing down the gear I would like to purchase for my first triathlon and possibly after. There's some things I know I'll definitely need, like a tri-suit. Others would be extremely nice to have but are not a must (like aero-bars). That's why I came up with list of a few things, figured out what I would be willing to pay for them and prioritized my need for each item.
Things like this make this whole triathlon endeavor more accessible for me. I know what lies ahead and I can literally cross things off my list when they're done or purchased. Another plus is that I can hang up a sheet of paper on my fridge and don't have to remember everything I will need to do, to get me to that starting line.