
Pre-Race Relaxation

As of today it’s three more days until my first half marathon and I am looking forward to the race with great anticipation. I am not really nervous but excited about what’s to come on Saturday. I realized how cool I am about the big event when I received a message from my brother this morning, telling me to stay calm. All I could think was that there’s no need to worry since I am more excited about the half marathon than anything else. Obviously I have no clue how it’s going to go. I don’t know how I’ll react to the added pressure of the race situation. I could worry about whether I’ll be able to take care of all necessary bathroom stops before or during the run and I could be concerned about not making the cut off- but I don’t. I am curious and confident. And I think that I’ll be able to reach the finish line in a rather decent time. Then again, even if I won’t, I am not going to beat myself up. I have been strictly following the training schedule and I have seen a lot of improvement in my running. That alone is reason enough for me to be satisfied. It also gives me confidence in my triathlon pursuit. I believe that I will be able to finish the olympic distance race come July if I stick with the training plan (which I have printed out today). All is good in Readytotri-land. And I’ll let you know how it went on Saturday. Until then I’ll be hydrating and eating lots of carbs!